
#47. Understanding Responses

This Conversation Will Help You…


  1. Know a real yes from a false yes
  2. Handle a no with grace
  3. Know that consent needs to be asked for each step of the way


Think About This First

  • We don't always get what we want - and if we are expecting the young people we know to actively ask for consent, another key skill is to be able to hear a "no" answer and handle it respectfully.


Having the Conversation


Start here:

What are times when someone might say yes to something but not really mean it?

How can you tell?

What do you look for when someone is saying yes?

What helps you know that they really mean it?

Why would someone say yes to something that they don’t really want to say yes to?  



What are ways you can handle someone saying no?

Are there things you can do to make it easier for someone to say no if they want?

What if someone says no but you really wanted them to say yes?

Does that affect how you act?

What are ways that you can be respectful of someone’s no answer?

When is it okay to try and convince them to change their mind?


Keep Talking:  

If someone consents to hug you, does it mean they consent to kiss?

What about if someone is kissing, and they consented to that, does that mean they are willing to do more?

Why is it important to keep communication open?

Why would someone consent to kissing but not want to consent to do more?

How would you find out?

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