
#35. Friends, Sex, and Relationships

This Conversation Will Help You…


  1. Share ways sex and relationships are talked about
  2. Say what they like and don’t like about how things are talked about
  3. Understand how my friends talked about sex (parents)


Think About This First

  •  Friends and peers are big influencers in a young person's life - this conversation provides a context in which friends' influence can be discussed.


Having the Conversation


Start Here:

How do your peers talk about sex and relationships?

What are the main things you notice?

How does the media talk about sex and relationships, like in the shows you watch and movies you see?



What kinds of things do you not like about how your peers talk about sex and relationships?

What kinds of things do they say?

Does it impact how people are treated?

Are there ways that the media influences how people talk about sex and relationships?

What are the things that seem most common to you?

Are there positive things you hear from people you know regarding sex and relationships?

What about in the media?


Keep Talking:

When I was your age, my friends talked about sex this way:

I felt ______ about it.

I wonder how much of things are the same now or different than when I was your age - what do you think?

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