#59.  Hypermasculinity
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 5:47PM
[Your Name Here] in LGBTQ, roles, society

This Conversation Will Help You…


  1. Define “hypermasculinity”
  2. Name three ways they see hypermasculinity in life and online
  3. Name how hypermasculinity can shape harmful attitudes and behaviors



Think About This First


Having the Conversation


Start here:

What does masculinity mean?

If someone were masculine, how would you know?

What kinds of things would let you know?

What is hypermasculinity?

How is it different than masculinity? What are some ways that you see hypermasculinity in your life?

What are some ways you see hypermasculinity with your friends and people at school?

Why do you think some people act this way?



What are some ways you see this in the media?

Is it more prevalent in the media?

Sometimes I think that the media doesn’t show a very well-rounded version of masculinity


Keep Talking:  

If someone was embracing masculinity to the degree of hypermasculinity, what could be problematic about that?

In what ways would that be not a great thing to do?

How could that affect someone’s views and the way they treat others?

What are the things that someone might think are okay if they are hypermasculine?

What might they be communicating to others about the value of women?

Article originally appeared on (https://100conversations.org/).
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