#46. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 2:04PM
[Your Name Here] in Consent, body language, communicate, feelings

This Conversation Will Help You…


  1. Understand that verbal communication tends to be the most clear
  2. Know that people communicate nonverbally all the time
  3. Be aware of nonverbal communication


Think About This First


Having the Conversation


Start here:

If someone really needed to tell you something, which is the clearest way? Verbally or nonverbally? What’s the difference?

If there is something you really want someone to know, what would you recommend - communicating verbally or nonverbally? Why?  



Verbal communication is considered to be clearer.

We are always communicating with each other, verbally and nonverbally. What are some ways that people communicate nonverbally?

How do people show their feelings via body language?

People are always communicating nonverbally, even if they aren’t aware of it. What are some ways that you see people communicating with body language?


Keep Talking:  

Can nonverbal communication be misunderstood or misinterpreted often? Why would that be? Is it easier to ignore verbal communication or nonverbal communication?

What are some ways that you notice nonverbal communication?

Do you notice it for positive things or negative things, or both?

What are some times when it’s really important to notice nonverbal communication?

Article originally appeared on (https://100conversations.org/).
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