This Conversation Will Help You…
Think About This First
Having the Conversation
Start here:
What is the most important thing for parents to do?
What does it mean to be a responsible parent? What do you consider responsible parenting?
How does parenting change from when someone is a baby to when they are a teenager?
What are ways that parents can be the best parents possible to their kids?
What are some things your parents or guardians did that you would also want to do if you plan to have children someday?
What are some things you do that would make you a good parent?
Keep Talking:
What are some special qualities you have that would make you a good parent?
What do you think could be challenging about being a parent?
What are some things your parents/guardians did that you wouldn’t want to do?
How are you able to tell that you wouldn’t want to be a certain kind of parent?